The Girl Friend - Broadway Creative Team

Production Staff

Herbert Fields Bookwriter
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Herbert Fields (i) Bookwriter
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Lorenz Hart Lyricist
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Richard Rodgers Composer
P. Dodd Ackerman Scenic Designer
Grace Carson Costume Designer
Ernest Cutting Musical Director
Ernest Cutting received his early musical education in England and studied piano and theory under Professor Cripps of Leipsig Conservatory. As a concert pianist he appeared at Albert Hall and St. James' Hall in London, and at the same concert auditoriums he accompanied many of Europe's well known concert artists in recitals. He appeared also as solo pianist with the symphony orchestras. Later he adopted the theatre and as musical director for Great Britian's best known theatrical producers, toured the world, playing in the principal cities of Europe, Egypt, India, Burma, Java, China, Japan, South Africa, South America, and ... read more
Lew M. Fields Producer
Production Supervisor
John Harwood Director
Jack Haskell Choreographer
(Musical Staging)
John Booth, Jr. Costume Designer
Maurice De Packh Orchestrator
Hugh Willoughby Costume Designer
Ticket Central
