A sell-out for its world premiere in 2016, Matthew Bourne's triumphant adaptation of the legendary film returns to London, having won two Olivier Awards and dazzled audiences across the UK and the USA. The Red Shoes is a tale of obsession, possession and one girl's dream to be the greatest dancer more...
Swan Lake
I Make the Rules
The Audition
Corp de Ballet
When It Happens to You
Top of the Sky
Ballet Montage
It's a Fairy Tale
Be Somewhere
The Rag
Am I to Wish Her Love
Do Svedanya
Come Home
When You Dance for a King
The Ballet of the Red Shoes
Miss Page
Alone in the Light
Who Knows Where It Goes
The Story of the Red Shoes
One and One Are Two
It's Always Like This the First Time
I'm Home
I'll Never Know