Roger Bart, who has an extensive career spanning stage, television, and film, was also part of the cast of *The Frogs*, showcasing his versatile talent in this notable production. more...
Peter Bartlett, who starred in The Frogs on Broadway, boasts an impressive career with notable performances in productions such as Something Rotten, Cinderella, and The Drowsy Chaperone. more...
James Brown III, who has an extensive Broadway resume including a role in the original Broadway company of "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child," also showcased his talents in "The Frogs." more...
Daniel Davis, an Arkansas native with a distinguished 40-year career in regional theatre across the U.S. and Canada, has notable New York credits including his performance in Lincoln Center's production of The Frogs. more...
Bryn Dowling, whose impressive Broadway credits include The Producers, The Frogs, Big Fish, Bullets Over Broadway, and Chicago, brought her remarkable talent to the stage in The Frogs. more...
Rod Harrelson, a Greensboro, NC native who began his dance career at UNC-Chapel Hill, has graced Broadway stages in productions such as The Lion King, The Frogs, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Legally Blonde. more...
Nathan Lane, a three-time Tony Award winner, showcased his remarkable talent in Stephen Sondheim's "The Frogs," further cementing his status as one of the greatest stage entertainers of his generation. more...
Michael Siberry, who previously graced the stage in Lincoln Center's production of The Frogs, boasts an impressive theatre resume including roles in Spamalot, The Sound of Music, and Nicholas Nickleby. more...
Kenway Hon Wai K. Kua, who previously graced the Broadway stage in The Frogs, has also showcased his talent in productions like Wicked and the national tour of Flower Drum Song. more...