Lauren Ambrose, who previously portrayed Ophelia in Hamlet at the Public Theater's Shakespeare in the Park, is a two-time Emmy Award nominee renowned for her role in HBO's "Six Feet Under." more...
Andre Braugher, known for his acclaimed television roles in "Homicide: Life on the Street" and "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," showcased his versatility on stage with his performance in "Hamlet" during The Public Theatre's Shakespeare in the Park in 2008. more...
Margaret Colin, who graced the stage with her powerful performance in Roundabout's A Day in the Death of Joe Egg, has an impressive resume that includes a Drama Desk Award nomination for Outstanding Actress in a Play for Defiance and a Theatre World Award for her Broadway debut in Jackie. more...
David Harbour, who has a rich history of stage performances including a Tony-nominated role in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and recent appearances on the London stage, brought his extensive theatrical experience to the cast of "Hamlet." more...
Hoon Lee, who previously showcased his talent in Shakespeare in the Park's production of Hamlet, has an impressive array of credits spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, film, and television. more...
Jay O. Sanders, who has an extensive career in theater, film, and television, previously took on the role of Falstaff in TFANA’s open workshop of Henry IV parts 1&2. more...
Miriam Silverman, who previously collaborated on The Goodman Theatre production of Sidney Brustein’s Window, brings her extensive stage experience to the cast of Hamlet, having also starred in acclaimed productions like Anatomy of a Suicide and Junk. more...
Michael Stuhlbarg, who played the titular role in Oskar Eustis' production of *Hamlet* at the New York Shakespeare Festival, is a celebrated actor known for his Golden Globe-nominated performance in the Coen Brothers’ *A Serious Man* and his extensive work in both film and television. more...
Sam Waterston, an acclaimed American actor with a distinguished career in theater, television, and film, brought his remarkable talent to the stage in a past production of Hamlet. more...