Disney Theatrical Productions brings the classic story of a boy raised in the wild by animals to the Broadway stage with Tarzan, landing on Broadway in March 2006. Adapted from the hit 1999 animated film of the same name (with songs by pop star Phil Collins), Tarzan promises to be a high-flying hit!
More than 90 years ago, Edgar Rice Burroughs introduced Tarzan to the world in the October 1912 issue of All Story Magazine. The character was an instant sensation. Since then, he has been featured in 26 authorized novels and more than 44 motion pictures. Now Disney brings Tarzan to the Broadway stage.
2003 | New York |
Workshop New York |
2004 | New York |
Workshop New York |
2006 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |
Year | Ceremony | Category | Nominee |
2006 | Tony Awards | Best Lighting Design of a Musical | Natasha Katz |